Personal Interests

This page will probably always be "under construction," since my personal interests have a tendency to change frequently. For what it's worth, however, here are some of my hobbies and interests.

The American Civil War

If you'll look closely at the top of the background image to this page, you'll notice the words "Twentieth Maine." This picture was taken at the Gettysburg Memorial Battlefield this summer, when I was able to fulfill a longstanding wish to visit the site of the key battle of the Civil War. History has always been an interest of mine, and the Civil War has been a special focus.

Explore the National Park Service's web site on Gettysburg and read Joshua Chamberlain's report on the charge of the Twentieth Maine at Gettysburg. Gettysburg National Military Park Chamberlain's report

The story of the Twentieth Maine epitomizes the bravery and determination shown by soldiers of both sides during the War. Placed at the extreme end of the Union battle line, and ordered to hold the line at all costs, the commander of the regiment, Joshua Chamberlain, found his position heavily attacked by Confederate units that outnumbered his. With about a third of his men killed or wounded, and facing another attack that would have overwhelmed them and placed the entire Union position in peril, Chamberlain ordered a bayonet charge by the entire regiment. The audacity of the move so surprised the Confederates that they broke off their attack. Chamberlain was awarded the U.S. Medal of Honor for his actions that day.