Dr. Donald Meichenbaum - Research

Dr. Meichenbaum's interest in people's ability to control their thoughts led him to an interest in anger. What turns anger into violence? Why doesn't all anger result in violence? Is there a specific type of person or way of thinking that is more likely to result in violence? Dr. Meichenbaum was intrigued by all of these questions, and through years of research, found that indeed some thought patterns are more likely to result in violence than others.

Over the last 40 years, Dr. Meichenbaum has written several books about post-traumatic stress, inner dialogues, and most recently the educational potential of children with fellow psychologist Dr. Andrew Biemiller. He helped open The Melissa Institute in Miami, Florida, a think tank for preventing violence in schools. The Institute is named for a victim of violence in the local community.