

In metaphor, semantic representations interact to create novel meaning. For example, in the metaphor language is a bridge, the words language and bridge are typically unrelated, yet this contrast results in a novel understanding such that language connects people. However, semantic representations vary remarkably in how rich they are, raising the question of what role, if any, richness plays in metaphor. That is, some words are semantically rich because they are concrete and easy to imagine (e.g., pen) whereas others are abstract and difficult to imagine (e.g., idea). Moreover, some concrete words are particularly rich because they denote concepts that are easy to interact with, such as bicycle, whereas less-rich words denote things that are difficult or impossible to interact with, such as rainbow (i.e., Body-Object Interaction). In addition, words can be rich if they have many semantic neighbours, or less-rich if they have few semantic neighbours (i.e., Semantic Neighbourhood Density). In this talk, I will review a series of studies I conducted that examined the effects of semantic richness on metaphor processing, concluding that semantic richness is in fact detrimental for metaphor comprehension and production.


Upcoming Talk:

Dr Hamad Al-Azary

Departments of Psychology

University of Alberta

Nov 8th


3:00-4:00 pm

BS-P 319N








Metaphor and Semantic Richness: Less is More