Course Reading List

Note: the numbers in brackets following each reference indicate the week they apply to.


Davis, M. (1970). Effects of interstimulus interval length and variability on startle-response habituation in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 72, 177-192. [2]

de Villiers, P.A. (1977). Choice in concurrent schedules and quantitative formulations of the law of effect. In Honig, W.K. & Staddon, J. E.R. (Eds.), Operant behaviour II, (pp. 233-287). New York: Prentice Hall. [9]

Garcia, J. & Koelling, R. (1966). Relation of cue to consequence in avoidance learning. Psychonomic Science, 5, 123-124. [6]

Herrnstein, R.L. (1961). Relative and absolute strength of response as a function of frequency of reinforcement. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour, 4, 267-272. [10]

Heyman, G.M. (1979). A Markov model description of changeover probabilities on concurrent variable-interval schedules. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour, 31, 41--51. [10]

Holland, P.C. (1977). Conditioned stimulus as a determinant of the form of the Pavlovian conditioned response. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behaviour Processes, 3, 77-104. [4]

Holland, P. & Rescorla, R.A. (1975). Second-order conditioning with food unconditioned stimulus. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 88, 459-467. [4]

Logue, A.W. (1979). Taste aversion and the generality of the laws of learning. Learning and Motivation, 16, 413-422. [6]

Platt, J.R. (1979). Interresponse-time shaping by variable-interval-like interresponse-time reinforcement contingencies. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour, 31, 3-14. [8]

Norman, W.D. & McSweeney, F.K. (1978). Matching, contrast, and equalizing in the concurrent lever-press responding of rats. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour, 29, 453-462. [9]

Rescorla, R.A. (1988). Pavlovian conditioning: It's not what you think. American Psychologist, 43, 151-160. [3]

Rizley, R.A. & Rescorla, R.A. (1972). Association in second-order conditioning and sensory preconditioning. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 81, 1-11. [4]

Rozeboom, W.W. (1958). "What is learned?" - an empirical enigma. Psychological Review, 65, 22-32. [5]

Schreurs, B.G. (1989). Classical conditioning of model systems: A behavioural review. Psychobiology, 17, 145-155. [3]

Sheffield, F.D. & Campbell, B.A. (1954). The role of experience in the "spontaneous" activity of hungry rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 47, 97-100. [3]

Skinner, B.F. (1959). A case history in scientific method. In Koch, S. (Ed.), Psychology: A study of a science. Volume 2, (pp. 359-379). New York: McGraw Hill. [7]

Thompson, R.F. & Spencer, W.A. (1966). Habituation: A model phenomenon for the study of neuronal substrates of behaviour. Psychological Review, 73, 16-43. [2]


Baum, W.M. (1974). On two types of deviation from the matching law: Bias and undermatching. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour, 22, 231-242. [10]

Ferster, C.B. & Skinner, B.F. (1957). Schedules of reinforcement. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. [8]

Heth, C.D. (1985). Within-compound associations of taste and temperature. Learning and Motivation, 16, 413-422. [6]

Heyman, G.M. (1979). A Markov model description of changeover probabilities on concurrent variable-interval schedules. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour, 31, 41-51. [9]

Holland, P.C. (1977). Conditioned stimulus as a determinant of the form of the Pavlovian conditioned response. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behaviour Processes, 3, 77-104. [3]

Holland, P. & Rescorla, R.A. (1975a). Second-order conditioning with food unconditioned stimulus. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 88, 459-467. [5]

Holland, P.C. & Rescorla, R.A. (1975b). The effect of two ways of devaluing the unconditioned stimulus after first- and second-order appetitive conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behaviour Processes, 1, 355-363. [5]

Humphrey, G. (1933). The nature of learning. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Co. [2]

Killeen, P.R. (1978). Stability criteria. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour, 29, 17-25. [10]

Pavlov, I.P. (1927). Conditioned reflexes. (G. V. Anrep, trans.). London: Oxford University Press. [4]

Razran, G. (1970) Mind in evolution: An East - West synthesis of learned behaviour and cognition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. [2]

Rescorla, R.A. (1980). Pavlovian second-order conditioning. Hilsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum. [4]

Rizley, R.A. & Rescorla, R.A. (1972). Association in second-order conditioning and sensory preconditioning. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 81, 1-11. [5]

Siegel, S. (1956). Nonparametric statistics for the behavioural sciences. New York: McGraw-Hill. [6]

Skinner, B.F. (1959). A case history in scientific method. In Koch, S. (Ed.), Psychology: A study of a science. Volume 2, pages 359-379. New York: McGraw Hill. [8]

Staddon, J. E.R. & Ettinger, R.H. (1989). Learning: An introduction to the principles of adaptive behaviour. San Diego, CA: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. [8]

Thorndike, E.L. (1898). Animal intelligence: An experiment study of the associative processes in animals. Psychological Review, Monograph Supplement, 2. [7]

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