Introducting Wallentino

Wallentino is a 1990 17.2 hh Hannovarian imported December, 2002 from Germany. He was trained and shown in Luxembourg. Shelley McDonald, Margret Dieckmann, and Beate Schulz found him and now he's Scott's Junior Young Rider's horse. This site will develop as we get more pictures and I learn how to stream video.
For now, here's Scott on the first day. Scott's wearing a space suit because Wally was in quarantine.

March, 2003, Walter Zettl Clinic (superb clinic!)
Wally got out of his stall at Amberlea within 2 hours of arriving

Not a great pic since they are doing a travers exercise but Wally and Scott (wearing a headset to hear Mr. Zettl better) are both quite happy with the exercise

April, 2003, Albrecht Heidemann Clinic (always superb)
Wally wants out of his stall

Albrecht discussing bend

Connie the groom

With Margret Dieckmann and Shelley McDonald

June 2003 show at Amberlea

Provincials in August

(Picture courtessy LaMediaProductions (

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