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Current version 0.08 (Released March, 2014)
The High Dimensional Explorer is a piece of software that can process a corpus of text and create word vectors that contain co-occurrence information for all the words in the corpus. It allows the user to build and analyze many variations of the HAL model. It has some features that make it very useful for measuring the similarity of words in terms of their contexts. In particular, it can hand very large corpora and very large word vectors. It also takes advantage of multiple CPUs or cores to speed up processing. For more informations about HiDEx and to learn about its hardware and software requirements, please read the document below: HiDEx User manual (READ THIS BEFORE DOWNLOADING!) What is ithe current version of HiDEx? In March 2014, a new version of HiDEx was released. It does not contain any new features, but it does contain fixes of all known bugs, and supports upper and lowercase word lists. This new version, v0.08, is the version you can download below. Some key points from the User Manual to think about before downloading: Before using HiDEx, there is some other software that you might want to obtain:
HiDEx needs some data to work on before it can produce measurements. We strongly reccomend using HiDEx to process a corpus, but there is a way to begin using HiDEx without a corpus.
Citation: Shaoul, C. & Westbury, C. (2006). Word Frequency Effects in High-Dimensional Co-Occurrence Models: A New Approach. Behavior Research Methods, 38:2, 190–195 and Citation: Shaoul, C. & Westbury, C. (2010). Exploring lexical co-occurrence space using HiDEx. Behavior Research Methods, 42:2, 393-413. Acknowledgments: This research was supported by NSERC and TAPoR. If you have any questions about this software, please contact Cyrus Shaoul PLEASE NOTE: Software License = GPL v3! The GPL v3 license for this software in included in the file you will download below. Please fill out this form so that we can keep track of who has downloaded this file and tell you of future releases.
WestburyLab chrisw at
dot ca