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Neighborhood Density Measures for 57,153 English Words.
This list contains two measures of Neighborhood Density produced by HiDEx, an implementation of the HAL model. The list conatins 57,153 words, and for each word, the following measures:
Processing: We used a snapshot of all the English documents in the Wikipedia from April, 2010. We processed this corpus using HiDEx with the following settings:
Wikipedia corpus size: 971,819,808 words Format: This data is in a tab-separated text file, suitable for use with any software that supports this format, including Microsoft Excel. (Please remove the text header before loading) Citation: Shaoul, C. & Westbury C. (2010) Neighborhood Density Measures for 57,153 English Words. Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta (downloaded from
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WestburyLab chrisw at
dot ca