This is the page where you include examples or links to some of your accomplished works.
This might include art work, poetry, creative writing, school assignments, essays, published articles, presentations, audio clips, videos, photography samples, or links to any other samples of work you have accomplished that you wish to display online.

Your content will depend on the purpose of your ePorfolio; if you are creating a personal webpage to display your thoughts and musings to friends and family, your work samples will be quite different than someone who is designing an eportfolio to gain an extra edge in their job applications.

PROJECT NAME (Link to a sample of the project) Description of the project, what you accomplished, what you learned, future use for the project etc.
PROJECT NAME (Link to a sample of the project) Description of the project, what you accomplished, what you learned, future use for the project etc.
PROJECT NAME (Link to a sample of the project) Description of the project, what you accomplished, what you learned, future use for the project etc.
PROJECT NAME (Link to a sample of the project) Description of the project, what you accomplished, what you learned, future use for the project etc.