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Helpful Links and Resources
Instructional Technology Resources Lab
Address: http://www.psych.ualberta.ca/~ITL/
Info: This lab is a departmental resource. It is operated by an intern under the supervision of Connie Varnhagen. The ITL is responsible for many things including building websites for staff and coordinating the Information Literacy component of PSYCO 104/105. The ITL also provides help with WebCT and might be able to answer any other questions regarding Instructional Technology. Do not hesitate to contact them if you need help! The intern is hired through the Internship Program in Psychology.
Great Canadian Psychology Web site
Address: http://www.psych.ualberta.ca/~gcpws/
Info: The Great Canadian Psychology Web Site introduces students to great Canadian researchers, their research methods, and their contributions to Psychology.
Information Literacy Modules
Address: http://www.psych.ualberta.ca/~ITL/InformationLiteracy/WebPages/
Info: These modules are assigned to PSYCO 104/105 students. However, anyone can use them to learn a lot effectively using the internet for research.
Instructional Technology Lab Group RefWorks Account
Address: http://refworks.scholarsportal.info/Refworks/login.asp
Info: The Applied Development and Instructional Technology Lab group RefWorks account is where members of the lab can share references for literature that is in some way related to the projects that are going on the in lab. Please contact
Peggy McFall if you are interested in accessing the account.
Instructional Technology Lab Facebook Group
Address: http://www.facebook.com/
Info: The Applied Development and Instructional Technology Lab Facebook group serves as a discussion area and news board for members of the ITR lab.
Online Flashcards
Address: http://www.psych.ualberta.ca/~ITL/flashcards/index.htm
Info: These flashcards were developed by Karyna Soco, a previous intern within the lab. They are useful to students who wish to make easily transportable web-based flashcards.
Making Sense of Psychology on the Web
Address: http://www.psych.ualberta.ca/~varn/MakingSense/
Info: This web site accompanies the book written by Connie Varnhagen.
This page contains a list of useful links to resources developed in the lab for individuals who are interested in psychology. Furthermore, a list of all the journals that are available as hard copies within our lab at BSP-216 is available.